You’re tucked away in beautiful Italy…
In a luxury Villa surrounded by gorgeous Poppy Fields and Vineyards...
With me and 9 other Dabblers…
Painting 2 totally unique new paintings of the Tuscan Countryside around us…
It’s a 6-day getaway like none other!
Each morning, we’ll get out and explore the area and take tons of pictures.
With all the amazing scenes around you, we’re sure to capture many exquisite scenes for you to choose from.
Then we’ll head back to the house to print out your favorites.
We’ve got you 100% covered!
Leave your palette knives, brushes, canvases, easels, and paints at home.
We’ll have everything you need on site.
It’s all part of the DABBLE RETREAT deal!
But how will you get your paintings home???
Have no fear…